we all know y’all had no balls round one so let’s get it for round 2! August 30th
“y’all it’s slap ass day round 2 let’s get itttt!”
You see these White Rounds?
Friend: Looks over at the friend asking the question who is smiling from ear to ear.
The act of politely declining, avoiding or otherwise steering clear of the African horn when confronted with its formidable size and power ostensibly so as not to appear racist.
... " Ladies of good standing shall be well advised to adhere strictly to the policy of Rounding the Horn of Africa should it be offered , deny it, snub it slap it's purple swollen face. Rebuke and refuse it's rude and rampant advances costs, for ones honour may well be at stake, whilst remaining mindful of the consequences for international relations."
A child or children that are still young enough to be carried around; Fairly young children.
That woman has tote-a-rounds. (Two small children clinging to her )
When the runner loses a finger for every base achieved.
Rounding the bases is necessary for the game to play correctly.
A term coined by number #4 pro evo player, the legendary JB, for when a player peforms a spin trick with the ball at their feet. Often referred to by gays as the "zidane turn"
Player runs down the pitch, opposition tries to get the ball, "Oh no ... its "Round the World" ...later!!!