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Boned to the Stone

When you’re so stoned that you start subconsciously switching the beginning sounds in words

E-cig ripped the bong so hard that he got boned to the stone

by Asian Tom Cruise May 8, 2019

Wet Stone

Someone who radiates the energy of piss, lichen, and moss

Damn he is a wet stone

by anji.ewwww June 8, 2023

sober as a stone

you’re stone cold sober

steve harvey : yo man are you on something?
bill gates: i’m as sober as a stone bro!

by stoneluver January 20, 2021

Stone Bro

a bloke who thinks skyrim is overrated and cant spell.

Riley: yo did you play skyrim last night
Jezza: yeah dude skyrim is amazing
*stone bro comes out of nowhere*

by Antiseve November 8, 2017

ben stone

ben stone is a very loud man, he greets audiences by saying “HELLO MY NAME IS BEN STONE

hey did you hear ben stones speech?

omg yeh the whole world heard it

by benstone28 April 28, 2020


Smoke after an argument, or an accident, or anything that is a buzzkill

Damn Butch, getting pulled over by that cop was a real buzzkill, we need to get to your house and re-Stone

by Jeanne C November 22, 2010

Sebastien stone

Better than ollie, owen, luke and flynn and the coolest guy you can ever meet. Incredibly sexy and all the ladies love him

Isn’t Sebastien stone sexy?”
I know right!”

by Fragrance man May 22, 2022