Source Code

Bugging the ball

When ever Mitch touches as soccer ball. When making a trap Mitch dances around the ball with his arms up in a bug like fashion. He then tries to manuver the ball around other players with quick bug-like dancing moves. (also known as the bug)

person 1-Mitch just totally bugged all over you.
person 2-O'h that Mitch, always bugging the ball.

by mitch jacki September 15, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jitter Bug

Jitter Bug is a another nickname for molly, created with the sole purpose of providing a relief from uninventive nicknames such a mollz, mollister, mollanator,mole girl, or zipkin.

Tim: Hey, have you seen Jitter Bug today?

Stephen: Nah, shes probably out getting lost in the woods again.

Tim: haha well she is the ultimate example of a helplessly useless barbie girl.

by Mopithytumryh October 28, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


An adult game in a vehicle, when a person sees a volts wagon beetle (NEW style) (operational or non operational) calls love-bug and points it out, (you must get 10 love bugs in a 24hr period to count as one point) that person gets oral sex anytime he or she desires within a one month period. Convertible love-bugs count as 2. When one person gets to 10 love-bugs (1 point) the counter starts over. A person can claim as many as possible and use them on the person called with! after one month of love-bug being called it is canceled out, Also a love-bug point can be canceled out by another persons love-bug point.

a variation to the slug-bug and shag-wagon game!

person #1

love bug, right over there, do you see it?
person #2.
yes i do! do you see that convertible love bug? ha now i got 2 and you have 1.


person #1.
YAY i got 10 love bugs you owe me oral tonight!

person # 2.
well wait till i get 10 love bugs then i can cancel you out before you use it, or you will have to owe me too!

by The Creators Mr and Mrs Peters May 30, 2009

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june bug

the time at the end of the school year, usually june, where you begin to lose all of your care for anything school-related

i got the june bug, causing me to turn in my social studies project half-assed and incomplete

by Myspace Joe June 4, 2006

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Lady Bug

The menstruating female squats on the males chest leaving a large red stain. The female proceeds to shit pellets on the red stained chest illustrating a lady bug. This is the sister move of the chili dog.

"You bought me Tiffany's? Let's get a bottle of merlot and I'll lady bug you after you chili dog me!"

by bonaroobob June 18, 2015

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Lady Bug

Typically an asshole that lives inside my ass


"I wanna punch every lady bug in the face"

"lady bugs are not lady's"

by Some Douch August 4, 2010

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Bed Bugs

generally the STD known as crabs, but can be used to define any other kind of STD.

"Hey man, check out that fine-ass chick!"

"Nah bro, don't touch her. That bitch got some bed bugs."

by Jakeass8 May 17, 2009

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