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bunny hop

To make pull your bike into the air so that neither wheel is touching the ground. Used extensively in trials. Also used during mountain biking to avoid obstacles in the trail and similarly by road cyclists (with care).

I was right behind Jesse when he bunny hopped a snake. Unfortunately for the snake I didn't have enough time to avoid it.

by mikwat May 22, 2004

52๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Summer Bunny

A term used for a very attractive and sexy black female. Especially if she has a pretty face, is young, and dresses to accentuate her hot body e.g. small flat waist, plump butt, perky breasts. Summer Bunny is opposite of snow bunny which is a term coined for a similarly sexy white woman.

Guy 1: Dayum homes, that summer bunny is rockin' them daisies.
Guy 2: Man you trippin. I tried that last week; she ain't givin it up!

Lyrics from R Kelly's song Summer Bunnies (1994):

Girl, you know you knock me out
You're a real girl with your looks now baby
Girl you know you knock me out
Summer bunnies drive me crazy...
This party is packed, word to the mother
I love it when there's three bunnies to one brother
And wine coolers is what I'm packin'
And when I get my buzz on is when I start bunny-jackin'

Jackin' fools for their bunnies
'Cause I'm the K, the E, the double L, the Y...

by Texas Roni, the one and only April 30, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Violent, hyper, random thrusting during sex. Usually involves an unexperienced man with an abnormally small penis.

"Last night, David just kept bunny-rabbiting. I swear I thought he had a blindfold on."

by Anji January 20, 2005

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bunny mask

Another way to finish up some good sex. To be executed while receiving head prior to bustin a nut. Perform by grabbing two fistfuls of long hair and raising each lock above the persons head like a pair of bunny ears. Then remove dick from mouth and cum in partner's nose. Your partner will scrunch up their face and wiggle their nose like a cute little bunny.

That chick had long hair and big 'ol teeth, so I knew right where to aim my load and execute a picture perfect bunny mask.

by The Velvesheen Wabbit September 21, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

bunny up

like nose goes it is for choosing a person to do the task nobody wants to do. when bunny up is called everyone uses their two index fingers to make bunny ears on their head. the last person to 'bunny up' is it.

Jordy: Kate go find the remote
Kate: No you do it!
Jordy: BUNNY UP!
Julia: (last person to bunny up) Awww you guys suck!

by clairerocks June 11, 2007

16๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ether Bunny

Originally thought to be an urban legend, ether bunnies are a sub-species of college students who use chloroform or ether to anesthetize and sodomize their roommates or guests while they sleep. Though they are generally a nocturnal species, most ether bunnies will not hesitate to victimize sleeping persons within their dwelling at any time of the day.

Guy 1 : Dude, I think your roommate is an ether bunny.

Guy 2 : Why's that?

Guy 1 : I saw a huge jug of chloroform in his sock drawer

Guy 2: oh shit...

by Tvan12 November 22, 2009

47๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

energizer bunny

A male in his teens or early tweeties who is either unexperienced with sex or just lacks any form of technique. He just jabs in and out hard and fast with no concern for the pleasure of his partner.

Sara: Ok give me the details from Friday night ... how was the boy you took home?
Kelly: Oh he was just your typical energizer bunny with no form at all.
Sara: Humm I think we need to move up an age bracket to cut down on all this bad sex we've been having.

by Bumble B July 2, 2007

81๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž