What is my point of existing...
I was created for use as a puppet for the urban dictionary.. but I'm not even used for that..
I truly have no purpose..
Might as well go ahead and end it all here..
-Guy 12
Chapter 1: The Discussion
Guy 1: Did you hear what Guy 12 did?
Guy 2: We had a guy 12?
Guy 1: I'm not actually sure, Guy 10 talked to me because he still think's I am the leader of the guys.
Guy 7: What are you guys talking about.
Guy 1: Don't ask, 7. You're too dumb to understand anyway.
Guy 7: Oh.. I guess you're right..
Guy 1: Of course I am. Now shut up and help us find Guy 10.
Guy 7: Oh he's over there talking to-
Guy 2: Guy 10 is talking to Guy 3 in the corner.
Guy 1: Thanks Guy 2, I know I can always count on you.
Guy 7: But-
Guy 1: We already did what YOU were supposed to do. We don't need you anymore, so get lost!
Guy 7: Oh.. Okay then...
The End of The Guys: Infestation Arc Part 1
To be continued in Part 2.
Vasilios is so sweet but kinda bad a committing to a relationship, but you can always lean on him for advice or just someone to talk to. He’s a good friend that’s for sure. I hope is future gf named Sophia Comes back to save him cause he needs some help. He’s kinda mean sometimes. Practically born and asshole with anger issues but ig he’s loveable
Vasilios Grady Nyktas part 2 is so rude
It is when you were PEPPER SPRAYED for no legitimate reason except the ONUS.
Then a second time I was PEPPER SPRAYED as I was in a RESTROOM STALL going through my belongings and it was the DAY OF THE SUPER BOWL that had just finished and because early on somebody asked me who would win and I would not say, they lost their BET and PEPPER SPRAYED me , knocked on my stall as ALLIED SECURITY UNIVERSAL SERVICES (ASUS) for short as they were taken off the RTC CONTRACT due to lots of VIOLATIONS and this was at SOUTH STRIP TRANSFER TERMINAL. I threw my SIM CARD down the toilet as I felt super threatened after they had pushed me for no reason you can say ELDER ABUSE AND VEGAS NAZISM and at the time I was dressed in full male attire which caused me tremendous problems but ASUS losing the SUPER BOWL BET and throwing the SIM CARD away may have been PEPPER SPRAY RESOLVEMENT PART II but more it was a very windy day and it ALLEVIATED a lot of the PAIN thanks to the weather but I fought the elements with my personal effects when they forced me away from the terminal.
"Person 1": We have a part among us...
"Person 2": WTF is a part?
"Person 1": You.
A child who spends mor time socialising with her mates than at home with her family