Urban Dictionary is a place where people freely write definitions of words. It is also often used as an encyclopedia.
One of the great things about this is its comedic value and its ability to make you discover new hobbies or pranks and things of that nature. Let's not forget looking up your name and showing everyone how you have a huge dong.
1. lol lets write a definition of ... FART AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....
2. what the shit is an urban dictionary? lets urban dictionary it.
3. canadian slapshot... seems intersting... the guy puts his.... maple syrup... proceeds to.. oh god, thats horrible, lets try it.
4. what does my name mean? lets check it out... oh...ok....yeah, my dick is ridiculously large.....
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An online "slang" dictionary whose entries are submitted and judged by random readers.
Approximately 90% of its entries are useless teenage drivel, disgusting scatological references, nasty racist, sexual and ethnic slurs, phony "hip-hop" lingo made up by junior high kids wearing their pants around their asses, stupid white trash ramblings, and self-absorbed geek blather.
The other 10% are pretty entertaining.
"Cool Guy" - defined as "Tommy Smith from East Side High! Woo!!!"
"Ass-wipe" - defined as "That kid I don't like from my history class."
"Slut" - defined as "That bitch Chloe who slept with my boyfriend after the dance last weekend and whose face I'm gonna scratch."
"(Unprintable racist and homophobic term)" - defined as "(Misspelled, ungrammatical and largely unreadable unprintable racist and homophobic rant.)"
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A groups of cocksucking faggot losers who have nothing better to do with their time.
I want to be a cocksucking faggot loser the rest of my life so I'll spend my time reading Urban Dictionary.
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A site primarily meant for funny, real-life definitions of words and slang terms, but is also used by pompous fags to define the actual "textbook" meanings. This act is completely pointless and defeats the purpose of Urban Dictionary. If you want the "official" definition, look it up on Google or something you asshole. Stop ruining Urban Dictionary and get a life.
I went on Urban Dictionary to look up gay , and some pretentious asshole tried to be all proper and shit by writing some retarded, politically correct definition. What an ass.
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I place where teenage white males go to try and understand what their black friends are saying.
Yo when Deshaun said "im about to skeet on you" what did he mean?
I dunno look it up on urban dictionary.
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Used to used for slang but now 75% of the content is sexual 20% is about celebs and 5% is slang
Urban dictionary used to be a lil betetr before 12 year old girls came on
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urban dictionary, the site you are currently on *turns on huge lights and neon sign*
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