A badass that randomly gropes co-workers for no good reason.
Ian is such a /weiner/ he just gropped Kyles ass again.
How people, that don't know how to spell "wiener", spell wiener.
People that don't know how to spell wieners as "weiners" are fucking wieners.
mine is small and i get no bitches
big dick randy gets no bitches with his small weiner
"The preferred spelling of "weiner" is W-I-E-N-E-R. Although E-I is an acceptable ethnic variant." - Martin Prince
A cocktail weiner fest is a gathering of dudes with baby dicks.
Jared and Ryan went on a trip to Vegas together with their baby dicks, sounds like a cocktail weiner fest at its finest
The guy who stands next to you in the urinal and looks at your dong.
Keep you eyes on your own dick, you fucking weiner watcher.