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annoying little brother is trying to get into your discord

An annoying sibling/brother that is trying to get into your discord account without your consent

You: bro my annoying little brother is trying to get into your discord
Your friend: broo thats fucked up

by Kemist stonks March 7, 2021

the average 14-13 year old girl on discord

This type of girl uses "u","ur" and "r" for "are" also tries to be quirky by typing lIkE tHiS.
Also tries to get a boyfriend occasionally, but ends up not getting the boyfriend and they block her, and she doesn't know why when she literally said "ur so hot be my boyyyy omg I bet u r so pretty daddy *insert creepy emoji cause I'm on PC and i don't know how to enable emojis*" She's also a pick-me girl when at school or high school.

"Seriously, that girl is the average 14-13 year old girl on discord , She's just so.. creepy when she wants a boyfriend on discord."


12πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

National send shirtless pic to your discord friend day

March 6

Take a shirtless pic and send it to your discord friend, that happens to be a girl.

Person 1: "What day it is?"
Person 2: "March 6"
Person 1: "Oh, it is National send shirtless pic to your discord friend day"

by NeverEverLeave March 6, 2022

boost your discord server on urban dictionary in just 3 clicks

If you're seeing this, then you probably searched "urban dictionary is written by you", and then saw a cheeky little text button saying "BOOST YOUR DISCORD SERVER ON URBAN DICTIONARY IN JUST 3 CLICKS!". Your human brain then has a neuron activation. "I like urban dictionary, and I like discord. OH! I know! I shall combine my two passions to make one big passion!"
If you've searched this then you have a predictable monkey brain. Period. Face the truth, sunshine!

Sam: Bro, you should boost your discord server on urban dictionary in just 3 clicks

Chad: The door is over there, you pathetic dopamine-centered hippie

by huggethibbler March 24, 2023

Discord reclaim Slur day, (march 2nd)

A day for people to reclaim slurs in discord regardless of the rules

Discord reclaim Slur day, (march

2nd) - hey guys, its discord slur reclaim day!!!
Discord reclaim Slur day, (march 2nd)
Discord reclaim Slur day, (march 2nd)

by skkrtskrrt33 February 24, 2021

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Characterized by the jack in period 2 gym, who walks the track and munches on Reese’s candy

look at that moron jack, he’s such a super-mega-turbo-weenie-hut-jr-discord-mod-ekitten-owner

by realcoolguy42 May 23, 2023

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Froggy That Girl From Discord

A Female described as "short" "tiny" "a fucking disappointment" and "REALY fucking short

some say she is so short that you can't even see the little bitch hoe coming for your ankles

" froggy that girl from discord, is super fucking short"

by Factual Discord Knowledge July 5, 2022