An insinuation of the fact that an individual is lacking in friends (Typically popular in the Montgomery County, Maryland Area)
Charles: Hey man i just got Nickleback tickets!
Nadim: Friends?
Somthing that a middle school boy does not have
girl-We are friends
girl 2 -yeah, but you wouldn't know that
girl3- thats what she said
boy(griffin) - that was my line
Friends is something I don't have and probably neither do you if you search friends on urban dictionary
For example:
I don't have any friends
Some thing i dont have a lot of
“Were all your friends Keira?”
“All gone,sorry ava”
Sympathizer, helper, and that's about the size of it.
They might call you when they need something, some make us laugh like the Sunday funnies.
Be too nice and they'll take you for a dummy, never feed the baboons.
For something so cheap like friends, it sure buys a lot of trouble.
Guy 1: "I checked the dictionary for the meaning of friends. It said, "Person one likes to socialize with, Sympathizer, helper", and that's about that size of it."
Guy 2: "Did you just say an MF DOOM lyric? Whatever man, forget it."
Someone who will hold your hair up as you throw up in a Fast Food restaurants bathroom
Thanks for you help, your a great friend