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Someone you can take food from without them getting mad.

James ate his friend Arthur's lunch.

by Swagguru111 November 20, 2016


A person you can trust. A person that cares about you.

John is my friend.

by DOGMAN_5676 May 19, 2020


What you don't have and what you wish you had

Jake Paul:Hey Jack dam you got friends
Jack: Yeah *gets gun*
Jake Paul: what you gunna use that for?
Jack: My friends ):

by Pacheco Its not Gabriel HeHe February 13, 2018


Fuck it ya I wear drag Queen make up im not a hoe lots of guys like me you can keep or have him blah blah blah I know I have made true friend on my mission to succeed im not a patient person but those who have been there for me I won't ever forget you. I never had to fight for your love or our friendship and that irreparable to me.life about being respected as a good person giveing everything you can to the people that are important to you .

I love my friends you helped me fight a war. Killed my insecurities and showed me that i am a special person and that im not alone.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd November 18, 2019


A person who should be there for you, not drop you for a reason you can’t control

Don’t get your hopes up, those kids are fake “friends”

by Whyamhere? May 30, 2021


Friends can be there for you. Friends can ditch you. Friends will help. Friends won't care. This must be pretty confusing, but it's true. When you first meet a friend, they're different. They act better and surprisingly nice. Once they take advantage of you they won't care anymore. They can hurt your feelings or make you feel bad about yourself. Your friend(s) might be different from the one(s) I just explained. There are also other friends that are good. Ones that when you are crying your head off, they will still be there for you, even though they might have an attention span of a goldfish and start laughing when one of your "friends" who makes you feel "happy everyday" does something funny on the swings and tells your true friend to come over, but she chooses to stay with you. People are cruel. People are nice. There are lots of people who get bullied and they feel sad about it but they barely know the people and the people barely know them, but when it's one of your "you though she was your friend" friend then it makes it worse. The thing that makes is worse is if ALL of your "you though she was your friend" friends bully you. It might not be physically or verbally, but still if they ignore you and run away, get some new friends, which I know is not gonna be that easy but in 10 years, you won't even remember what they look like, unless your parent is BFF's with the "friends" parent, and you are forced to see her, I'm sorry my job to write a lot of words here, IS DONE.

Person #1: Do you want to be friends?

Person #2: Yeah, sure!

by Debra Queen June 13, 2018


Oh, yeah, totally. You know what REALLY helps you get into to a sexual relationship with a woman? The literal opposite of that! You sound like a torture victim trying to trick their torturer.

Torturer *uses cattle prod* BZZZZZT!

Hym "Oh God, ouch! That's the SECOND worst thing I've ever felt!"

Torturer "Wait, what? What's the first?"

Hym "Getting my dick sucked. It's the worst! Literally the worst form of torture you can inflict on someone! That's what you should do if you REALLY want to torture people."

Torturer "Oho! You're in for it now! You should have kept your mouth shut!"

Hym 😨 "Wait... You don't mean... No! Stop! Anything but that!"

Torturer "Heheheh. You're in for it now!"

Hym "Wait! Can we just be friends?"

by Hym Iam October 17, 2023