Your average black person
Idk read the definition a nigga like me
Come on, she is my best fwend!!!
The bad excuse to talk to your fwend in cass
Come on, I haven't talked to her in like 30 seconds
being a pushover and realizing it.
I keep blabbering about my problems to my friends which really makes me feel like a button.
Your a fucking loser stop whining about why she does not like you. go out talk to people or heres a craaazy idea talk to HER because me and you know you've been just staring at her in class. i know how you feel. but have faith in yourself (unless you have anime stickers of 02 on your Chromebook) your a good guy in heart just go up to her start a conversation, you only have one life. don't waste it! and hey if shes a bitch about you confessing that just means you dodged a bullet. I BELIEVE IN YOU! merry christmas. -mr krabs
YOU GOT THIS RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Does She Not Like Me? <--- put that because it made me to
A simple dance from Mahub tha Rapper that requires one to swing your arms like the classic TV show character Gumby.
"Dat boy doin' that Gumby Walk"
"Watch me Walk Like Gumby"
"He got that #stopmotionswag"