Source Code

Jack Speake

The dumb kid that created the SRMS DISCORD. he is definitely not cool but whatever.

Jack Speake made me hurt my self :(

by Jakisbetter178 November 15, 2018

jack grimm

Kooky Texas oil tycoon that would go out on expeditions in search of things such as titanic, Bigfoot, loch Ness monster and even Noah's ark but to no avail.

Jack grimm couldn't find even the biggest of boogers in his nose to save his life.

by The termite slayer December 3, 2023

Jack Rabens

Fashion but also an icon

I wanna be 'Jack Rabens' so bad

by Rora Polaris <3 December 23, 2021

Jack Tar Heel

A man of the road who travels by foot, a stroller. Including but not necessarily a vagabond, tramp, hobo, bum.

1) Two wanderers pass they may address each other with a "howdy Jack!"

2) "What does he do for a living?" "He's a Jack Tar Heel."

by losginal May 21, 2012

jack sellars

A faggot ass bitch with an ugly tiny penis

Jack sellars has a small cock

by June 4, 2020

Union Jack

A bunch of guys stand in a cirkle and masturbate

Sundays is for a round of Union Jack with the bois

by mememeister autismus maximus August 12, 2019

jacked jaw

Angrily struck by another human being . Not a light tap

The man did not heed the warning And he got a jacked jaw by Shawn

by Gilly wally December 1, 2015