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What's Doing

A Chasidish slang word to make peerim.
Peerim= everything

Menucha texting Batsheva "What's Doing (chaseedish accent)" 😍😍.
Batsheva answers "Peerim".

Batsheva also says " BUSY GALL"!!!!!!

by MasoresBaisYaakovHello January 12, 2022

Doing Krista

When you are flyfucking at least 2,5 years.

Also, fucking Krista.

Y'all: "Why is this man pausing brewjob to fuck this poor fly?"
Me: "He's doing Krista, fuggedaboutit!"
Roomate: "Why is this nice lady nekkid on my friend?"
Me: "She's doing Krista, nothing to worry about!"

by ssphynxx December 17, 2023


regarding an individual who had
to do what it takes to get to the top of corporate latter or advancement.

ex; check out who-to-do working on next promotion.

by zyzko kyd January 2, 2018

Do u no da wey?

A phrase that made a character, called Uganda Knuckles, famous.

Guy 1: Do u no da wey?
Guy 2: No.

by Lil Shyne October 17, 2018

do it

Part of Shia LeBoufe's famous phrase that he also says individually.

Just, DO IT!

by Water4real July 3, 2017

Do it!

The popular movie quote of Episode III of star wars that makes you evil in 3 seconds!!

Do it!

by Big-Nibba-Succ December 17, 2018

do it

Encouragement/motivation from Shia LaBeouf.

Make your dreams come true.
Just do it!

by Falcrel March 15, 2024