A Chasidish slang word to make peerim.
Peerim= everything
Menucha texting Batsheva "What's Doing (chaseedish accent)" 😍😍.
Batsheva answers "Peerim".
Batsheva also says " BUSY GALL"!!!!!!
When you are flyfucking at least 2,5 years.
Also, fucking Krista.
Y'all: "Why is this man pausing brewjob to fuck this poor fly?"
Me: "He's doing Krista, fuggedaboutit!"
Roomate: "Why is this nice lady nekkid on my friend?"
Me: "She's doing Krista, nothing to worry about!"
regarding an individual who had
to do what it takes to get to the top of corporate latter or advancement.
ex; check out who-to-do working on next promotion.
A phrase that made a character, called Uganda Knuckles, famous.
Guy 1: Do u no da wey?
Guy 2: No.
Part of Shia LeBoufe's famous phrase that he also says individually.
The popular movie quote of Episode III of star wars that makes you evil in 3 seconds!!
Encouragement/motivation from Shia LaBeouf.
Make your dreams come true.
Just do it!