A sentence used by emperor palpatine used in movie revenge of the sith
Do it
Saying it I person is assault. All they are going to do after you threaten them is act scared or try to talk you down until they can get out of sight and then call someone to come protect them, try to get you fired, etc. Not that it will stop you from coming back with a gun but they REALLY think you won't do that. It happens all the time and when it does everyone is surprised. Like, you know you were asking for it.
Say it in person (so I can use it as leverage to get rid of you or justify taking preemptive action)
You're just going to use it to try and preempt me or use it as leverage to defend yourself. Why would I give you my leverage when I can just wait until I know for certain that I can rape the whore and kill the retard and there won't be anything you can do to stop me. You aren't strong. You aren't smart. You will beg for your life when the time comes for you to be afraid but by then it will be too late.
There is not responding to that. I'll just do it without saying it. And then all the shit you're talking does out the window and you can sit there and pretend you were dating me to do it.
The best thing to say when your convincing a jedi to cut a dudes head off
Palpatine: do it
Anakin: fuck no you think cause you said "do it" im gonna cut a dudes head off im calling samuel L jackson
your immediate reply to the question " should i kill myself ? " to anyone that asks it.
steve stevenson : should i kill myself?
john johnson : do it.
when it's colder than eskimo p*ssy.
Snooty: hey bro, is it cold outside? Bout to head to work
Spence: Well g*dammit I reckon it's colder than a witches' titty in a brass bra doing pushups in the snow
Snooty: True
It's Colder than a Witches titty in a brass bra doing pushups in the snow: when it's cold.
You can't just say that. You can't just say that it would be a stupid thing to do so you don't believe they're doing it.
A retard "I don't think Israel is block aid because it would be a stupid thing to do."
Hym "That isn't a reasonable justification for disbelief. People do stupid things all the time. But I GUARANTEE if the Jews started getting violenced for not allowing the aid, the aid would MIRACULOUSLY start getting through. I don't see why we should have to sit here and pretend they aren't doing it."
Anytime you're in discord explaining, talking or otherwise referring to information of importance to the encounter, the mic cuts off
Can you say that again? You're doing a Steve