Social media as a dictionary. Kinda. Also a place to search up random words when bored.
Friend: what does “couch” mean?
Me: Search it up in Urban Dictionary, you’ll thank me later
*five minutes later*
Friend: Well, that was insulting
Me: It’s speaking facts though
A site where many teens and or young adult go to learn something or share something. There’s a lot of weird shit on here.
Person 1: what is a head pusher?
Person 2: I don’t know man check Urban dictionary
This pile of shit website were on
"Lets go add some things on urban dictionary"
Urban Dictionary makes up words by antisemites and anti-zionists and promotes hatred!
Urban Dictionary
1. (noun)
The douche bag version of Wikipedia.
2. (verb)
Roasting your friend and or family for not understanding the punchline of a joke involving a play on words.
1. (Noun) who gives a crap about what the urban dictionary has to say, isnt that the douch bag Wikipedia?
2. (Verb) Man Josh really urban dictionaried Tom about that Bob peters joke.
A community-influenced website used to inform people of modern lingo and pop culture references; the modern-day equivalent of the Bible.
Dad: Son, what does "based" mean? Some pale lady with blue hair and a smartphone called me that at the store today.
Son: Have you tried looking it up on Urban Dictionary, the online dictionary authored by users to educate humanity on present topics?
Dad: Wow! There it is! Thanks, Urban Dictionary!
He turns to the camera with an enthusiastic grin and a thumbs-up.