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Brown Water Rafting

When you eat a block of cheese on a Friday Night and follow it up the next morning with a Taco Bell breakfast burrito, and the solid chunk of shit in your ass rides the Taco Bell liquid wave out your butthole.

Ryan should have known better than to eat that taco bell.... his butt cheddar is brown water rafting out of him.

by Repressed Humor Issues February 22, 2025

Brown Donut

The asshole ring

My brown donut is especially sore this afternoon from all the shits i took all day.

by Blacknight2-00 January 2, 2020

Brown Eye

When you pull your ass out and show them your asshole

Bro He just gave you the brown eye

by Nz Slang Gang October 5, 2020

Brown Eye

Another name for your asshole

I took a massive shit earlier and I think my brown eye is bleeding.

by Cumagain December 24, 2019

Brown eye

The third eye right between your booty

Hey man can you tounge punch me in the brown eye?

by Sadboi77 January 14, 2019

Brown Eyes

The most common eye color in the real world, but the most unspoken and unappreciated in art and literature.

Never think they are boring, they shine in the sunlight when you can't see them!
Eyes Brown, dark and romantic, and I'm going down, like the Titanic

I wish I didn't have brown eyes. They look so boring.

by trulyali November 23, 2021

Brown Eye

A slang word for butthole

Me and Kelly did anal last night. I stuck it in her brown eye.

by Brown Eye Mike June 24, 2022