wooskiru: “yo jr on glock timing”
503yah: “say wallahi”
Jr: *starts throwing chairs in the air*
Person 343: Hindustan Times Numerology; The First Juvenile Release: The First Juvenile Release.
A chant only rallied by gentlemen of distinction to inform men of common standard to chug any alcoholic beverage in their presence.
That one is the me when the in the cool of the fun in the hahahahahahahhaha.
is the in the of is no Funny Fun Time!
1- Great-great-grandparent's half-first-cousin.
2- Half-first-cousin's great-great-grandchild.
My half-first-cousin-four-times-removed is a good person.
"Knack of time" (American English expression): When you wake up after noon hungover and dehydrated but still manage to annoy tf out of your friends and make it to a recreational activity several hours late.
Although she awoke with a raspy shriek of a voice still grasping a Tomahawk Steak bone from the night before, she managed pack a light bag of essentials and arrived to the river just in the Knaack of Time for a totally tubular rafting adventure!
International Standard Business Time is a "time zone" that does not change based on location. This time is the same throughout the planet. If it is 10:00 IBST in Moscow, it is also 10:00 IBST in Texas. IBST allows international companies to sync with each other. It is most commonly seen in the 24hr format- I.e. 00:00 is midnight. IBST is the same as GMT, but as earlier stated, is recognized globally and does not depend on location.
We've set a meeting with all the GMs via Skype conference for July 11th at 1300 International Business Standard Time (IBST).