Drunk calling someone inviting them to the party
She called all of us last night; omg
She was doing a Debby!
Spanish numbers. s s s s s s. s s s s s s. s s s s
uno dos tres cuatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez once doce trece catorce quince dieciseis diecisiete dieciocho diecinueve veinte
Doing something random and nonsensical
Today Pulz was doing the krazycrash, im worried about him.
When something really fucked up happens; used almost in the sense of that’s what she said
Friend tells you they cheated on their girl friend. You in turn respond “That’s how we do it”
Having sex
(Another term is doing the sus)
"I got caught doing the sussy with a girl last night."
Doing a tofte means eating and drinking something really quickly. "Created by our good friend, Christofire"da savage" Tofte."
Holy shit Jonny is doing a tofte