Source Code

Do you have it in pink?

A saying, typically said by Twitch Chat towards a streamer, meaning "Do you do Onlyfans/other kinds of pornography?"

At the party I heard my horny brother ask my friend (girl) "Do you have it in pink?"

by Leonidas of Alexandria March 5, 2024

Do it the tray way

Do it the tray way

Just do it the tray way

by pookieposts March 17, 2023

Do I Have an Audience?

An original by Holly ensuring that everyone she is speaking to is listening.

Group is chattingHolly: “Do I have an audience??”

by legacyvillage December 6, 2024


An abstract meaning for an object or thing

Give me just one second, while I grab the Do-dangle

by iSPANKzombiez June 9, 2023

doing a kirwan

Racing like an idiot in videogames while streaming on twitch with a bad Justin Bieber wig and then rant how it is everyone else's fault

"that guy was just doing a kirwan. "
"wow, what a douchebag"

by JatinRabei December 30, 2021

“so do you guys like, scissor?”

The first question people ask a woman when she comes out as gay. We gay women expect it. After replying “yes”, the conversation usually goes as follows;

“so do you guys like, scissor?”

*sigh* “yes. we do scissor.”

oh, okay, so like, HOW DOES THAT WORK?”

by breadbreadbreadhead May 20, 2024

Doing a zennieboi

Schrödinger's homosexual

Man, Alex was begging for a brojob last night, he was doing a zennieboi.

by Bio-M6 April 21, 2024