If I'm right, I'm right.
Hym "They're either doing it or they're not. I don't have to accept incredulity just because you don't want to tell a blind person whether or not he was correct when he asserted that the sky was blue. 'Well, I guess you need to find a way to become not blind.' I'm not doing it. 'Well, you're blind so there's nothing you can do about it.' And you're the one mocking the blind as they flounder around in the dark. You just want me to let you lead me. You want me to HAVE to let you lead me. It's a mandate. I'm not doing it. I'm not suffering the consequences of your own decisions I'm suffer at your hands."
The act to meet a girl, leave your country and have a baby in less than 6 weeks
Did you hear about Bernard? He made a Cunado again but this time in Brazil !
To do a Cunado
At the latest 2021 Dakar rally Toby Price an Australian Motorbike Rider, destroyed his back tyre, on one on the dakar stages. Instead of quitting he used cable ties, to fix his tyre and limp it to the end of the stage. So the modern day athlete version of Mcgyver.
Mate your tyre is falling to bits. Its ok, "Just do a Toby Price" and it'll make it til you finish.
When you break your wheel/tyre and you use at least cable ties to fix it. Nearly as good as McGyverying it, but better as Toby Price is an Aussie Legend.
Hey Baz, the mower wheel is broke.. its alright just do a Toby Price, that'll fix it.
Some drunk who always thinks he’s Connor
Mcgregor when he has a couple drinks and is most likely to end up on a t shirt if he got in a fight
A example of a unsuccessful night is when you say “hehe do ur like ducked go I it’s cool”
A habit associated with St Aidan's College football team, basically wandering round the club to find the ugliest girl possible and pulling her for monetary, alcohol or prestigous incentives.
A : Whoa mate you were going to do a Ninho last night, that lass was the size of a fridge and had more facial hair than me.
Doing A Kanye means...
Having a break down on twitter
Oh look... Hes doing a Kanye