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do the crouch

A new dance sweeping the nation in the UK all because one poncy football player got a little too carried away.

Background info can be found at www.dothecrouch.com

I've scored a hat-trick against Jamaica you know what, i think i'll do the crouch

by \_-_-_/ June 8, 2006

Doing the ‘Jainam’

When you call/text/send a meme to a friend on their birthday but forgets that its their birthday. You end up having a normal conversation and neither mentions the birthday.

Guy 1 : You know what happened on Donu’s birthday ?

Guy 2 : What ?

Guy 1 : Kruti did the ‘Jainam
Guy 2 : Did she know she was doing the ‘Jainam’
Guy 1 : It’s highly unlikely

by MalwareUnicorn June 9, 2022

do things

(v.) the act of performing sex acts viewed as heinous, dirty, and vile, even if they’re not, acts that might lead to Damnation. Usually said by a sexually shy or inexperienced person, or by most anyone when not in a private setting. Can be used to excite sexual arousal.

“He made me…do things…to him….”

Wanna go do things in the tool shed?”

by Frozen Prevert October 15, 2024

doing a darth

Acheiving a state of enlightenment that mere mortals can only dream about.

"I am leaving,I won't ever be back"
"Hi,I am back,I missed you"

by Hundav December 15, 2004

What was i doing again

A question you ask yourself after you come back to your room, sit down and think about what you were doing before you went away

Person: *enters their room and sits down.*
Person: what was i doing again

by MissRubberDuck December 12, 2023

Katz do a troll

some request by someone to a guy named Katz

Jo cmel: Katz do a troll
Katz:ok my

by KATZEL January 1, 2022

Doing a Trevor

When you try to improve something, but end up making it the same or much worse

I tried to implement a better system where we can impose improvements to the product.. But I ended up doing a Trevor.

by Nighter October 15, 2019