A new dance sweeping the nation in the UK all because one poncy football player got a little too carried away.
Background info can be found at www.dothecrouch.com
I've scored a hat-trick against Jamaica you know what, i think i'll do the crouch
When you call/text/send a meme to a friend on their birthday but forgets that its their birthday. You end up having a normal conversation and neither mentions the birthday.
Guy 1 : You know what happened on Donu’s birthday ?
Guy 2 : What ?
Guy 1 : Kruti did the ‘Jainam’
Guy 2 : Did she know she was doing the ‘Jainam’
Guy 1 : It’s highly unlikely
(v.) the act of performing sex acts viewed as heinous, dirty, and vile, even if they’re not, acts that might lead to Damnation. Usually said by a sexually shy or inexperienced person, or by most anyone when not in a private setting. Can be used to excite sexual arousal.
“He made me…do things…to him….”
“Wanna go do things in the tool shed?”
Acheiving a state of enlightenment that mere mortals can only dream about.
"I am leaving,I won't ever be back"
"Hi,I am back,I missed you"
A question you ask yourself after you come back to your room, sit down and think about what you were doing before you went away
Person: *enters their room and sits down.*
Person: what was i doing again
some request by someone to a guy named Katz
Jo cmel: Katz do a troll
Katz:ok my
When you try to improve something, but end up making it the same or much worse
I tried to implement a better system where we can impose improvements to the product.. But I ended up doing a Trevor.