Source Code

Walking W

Walking W is a new term used by younglings to show someone that they agree to that statement. It can be used like walking W/ talking W/ W life or any other affirmation starting with the letter W.

Someone: minecraft is a game.
Fellow giga Chad commenting: walking W ๐Ÿฅฑ

by GuavaLikesSocks November 21, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sam W

Sexiest Man Alive.
He is from Pennsylvania.
Very Chill, loves Ass.
Is getting a hermit crab name donk.
Is going to prom with bri kessock.
Chills with C-ru. Ya dawg. Brohomes for life.
Likes to sleep in cabins.

" Yo you see that Sam Weir kid, hes real coolin. "

by nick l is hot August 15, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

w button

The walk forward button in most computer games.

As opposed to going backwards with the S button, go forward with the W button.

by fortythree May 17, 2007

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m@w is a wannabe KillerG
Chaged his name due to the hatred of his other name.
No where near as good as KillerG
But a great guy all the same

m@w is a great MOD, but KillerG PWNZ him.

by KillerG July 21, 2004

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Super Worst, its the ultimate insulte

You fag S|W! Stfu
did you try to be a CmrK?

by ColmARocK December 7, 2003

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Basically, everyone calls each other simps, but it only really counts for men. So w-simp stands for woman-simp which means a woman can now also be a simp if she gives a lot of unneccessary attention to a man who doesn't deserve it.

John: Hey have you seen Jessica?
Jack: You mean the w-simp jessica? The one that gives to much attention to boys?
John: Yes that one.

by jjboy22 April 13, 2020

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W Rizz

When you win a game


by Rian Espresso January 13, 2023

8๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž