Upper middle class or wealthy white kids that have never had to struggle but they listened to 21 savage so they are gansta hood ass niggas that god there mommy to buy there jays pay there trap phone bill and buy weed with there allowance money.
The trust fund gangster used his mothers credit card to buy his fake chain.
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Chicago Gang mainly in Little Village, Chicago IL
He got shot by the gangster two six nation
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1. A term sometimes used in place of "erection" or "boner"
2. Something you say when you need something really random in order to distract someone, often used to make a hasty escape.
*Mostly said in the rhythm of the Old Spice commercial in which Terry Crews says "Pa-pa-pa-pa-power!" (straight-up-gang-ster-penis!)
*Variations include down-right gangter penis, boomeranger gangster penis, and upsided perfect penis
1. Lukas: Ok so if Ben is 2 years younger than Isaiah, and Katie is 5 years older than twice Isaiah's age, and Thomas is currently 1/2 of Katie's age away from being an adult, how long will it be until Thomas is a teenager?
Me:... Well i'd have to say... as long as it takes for him to get a straight up gangster penis!
2.Some guy with a gun: AYO BITCH IMA SHOOT YOUR ASS!
Me: ....Straight up gangster penis!
Some guy with a gun: ...umm... LOLWUT!?
Me: *runs*
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the best song ever, its pretty gangster
I'm a gangster I'm a straight up g, the gangster life is the life for me!- line from halo 2 gangster rap
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When one makes a noun plural with a "z" rather than an "s."
"There are some straight fly honeyz over there! We should talk to them bitchez!"
"Bitch, your constant use of the gangster plural is offending me."
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I am a thug gangster homie chick.
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The best book ever about a soft hearted gangster who falls for a cat and gets caught
Woah Le Chat et Le Gangster est super!
15๐ 3๐