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bar brothers

All Day, Everyday.

I got skinny to shredded by doing the bar brothers program!

by Ben Jerelbo March 17, 2016

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C Bar

Having or spending $100. C stands for "centum" the Latin word for 100. Bar stands for a bundle of bills. A C bar is different from a C note because it is multiple bills.

I dropped a c bar when I bought these pants.

My iPhone cost 4 C bars.

10 C bars = 1 G bar

by wxbeach October 31, 2011

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Eskimo Bar

A frozen turd used for sodomy.

On the internet dating site Dennis listed a few of his favourite things: jazz, debating, long midnight walks, and a lover's nice cold eskimo bar slipping smoothly into his rectum.

by Angry Hungry September 2, 2008

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bar wife

a female friend- not relative- that acts as your girlfriend/ wife, on nights that you were either too lame to get a date, or just cant get one. a bar wife can be used for a cover against a fat or ugly girl, but also as a wing man. And of course the night will end with no sex.

guy "hey, ashley wanna come be my bar wife tonight?"
girl "sure, but your not getting laid, and have to buy my drinks."
guy "i, know."

by st.lucifer January 12, 2012

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caribou bars

The ultimate snack when you have the munchies. A chewey granola bar made by Caribou Coffee that are made with real coffee ingrediants and taste just like their drinks. They tend to become a favorite snack of choice very quickly.

Person 1: Dude i have the munchies like a mo fo
Person 2: I know what we need...
Person 1: CARIBOU BARS!!!
Person 2: YEAH DUDE!!! Let's go get like 8 boxes!!!

by Alex Senneseth August 3, 2007

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barred VCR

An any-tape VCR turned to a VCR only for a porno when a porn tape is in the VCR and it gets stepped on.

I'll tell you the tale of barred vcr... Once R was home alone watching a barred and he forgot to take it out. The VCR was sitting on the floor when his mom stepped on it. It became a permanent porno-VCR... hence: barred VCR.

Dude, does Dan still have barred VCR?

by Steve the Mad Man January 3, 2006

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100 bars

Roasting/making fun of.

β€œI pulled up on shorty, she was like β€œyou ugly”, after that I gave her ass 100 bars”.

by Realchigga112 August 2, 2020

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