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"Hey google what's the definition of basic?"
"Yvonnie's face, does that answer your question?"

by Yeeeta October 1, 2021


The new song and absolute BANGER released by Space Ducks. If you think your bitch is basic, listen to this song and think again.

Hey, what’s the best song on your sex playlist?

Obviously Basic by Space Ducks.

by spacefucks April 2, 2023


Basic. Basic means so awesome mostly used for girls.Some Girls say it all the time. Basic things are things such as Starbucks,sushi,food,coffee.etc etc etc

Adrianna:let’s go get Starbucks
Hailey:Yas girl


by Glitterbaby23 March 31, 2018



Nobody is as basic as Taige

by Lover65 August 20, 2018


Is a word for an “ok that’s basic!” Moment

Teacher: “Ok Amelia, What Have You Got!”
Me: “A Friend!”
Teacher: “Oh That’s Very Basic!!”

by Ameliagowie xx1111 April 24, 2020


Something that is boring, unimaginative, uncreative uninspiring or/and uninteresting.

Usually refers to people following the norm, using or acting in a cliche way, copying or doing what other people do, but in a very bland way.

Can apply to anything, but usually refers to people, activities, attitude and style/clothing.

Her story is a picture of the family dog that died a few years ago WITH Mariah Carey's Always Be My Baby playing in the background. I can't deal, she's just so basic.

by The poison pen letter May 27, 2021


A term usually describing fashion; sometimes used as an insult. Examples include, Starbucks, crop-tops, uggs, leggings, washed and/or ripped jeans, leggings, side-on vans, etc.

That crop-top is super basic throw it away.
Your closet looks so basic.

by TheModernWorld July 3, 2019