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Ben is a faggot who likes to post endless videos and photos on his story that aren’t funny. He thinks he is the shit, this leads to him posting every convo he has with anyone for attention.

Hey, see that kid Ben over there? Yeah he’s annoying as shit and should go die.

by GuMGamer06 March 3, 2019

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Annoying but fun to talk to when bored and have nothing else to do. Noone can tell if his joking or being serious ,his personality remains a mystery for all. He is very handsome pulling 2 best friends, loved by blondes and also brunettes usually called Becky. A constant moaner. However can always rely on him to have a laugh on a night out. Dark n doesn’t speak when u first meet him but once he gets to u know him his talkative,sarcastic and funny .

β€œBecky β€œ
β€œBens dark”

by Ben13445 February 1, 2018

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Extremely annoying not very smart and unattractive, he’ll throw bannan peels at you and somehow gets stuck in desks

Ben stop throwing bannan peels

by Big chungas February 28, 2019

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If you meet a Ben you are a very lucky person. Ben always has the most prettiest ocean eyes. If you meet a Ben hold him tight and treat him right for as long as you can cause before you know it, he will be gone. He always gives the best hugs and will make you fall in love every second you see him. Ben has a temper so if you say the ring thing or get too close you will be sorry. The way he looks at you will make your jaw drop and your heart sink as you slowly fall for him. Ben usually doesn't expose himself to new people and will make you work hard for his love and trust. Ben will do things for himself sometimes and will leave you unexpectedly. I hope you take good care of him if you ever meet a ben cause i didnt and i lost him😰

Ben has such pretty eyes I just want to love him forever.

by Mybabyslover December 6, 2019

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He is a panda and nothing else

Oh look at Ben! He looks like a panda!

by jUst A tAstE October 23, 2019

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Ben is sus

ben is sus

by benisanoob October 29, 2020

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by THE BOI WIZZARD April 9, 2018

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