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Looking for a date

Looking for a date is when a cop targets certain crimes (usually speeding and other minor traffic violations) in order that they will get overtime to appear in court when the ticket is challenged.

The cop chased down Don for doing 5 miles over because he was looking for a date for July 1st.

by br1ght May 21, 2009

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Parlor Date

A date that takes place in the reception room in an inn or club where visitors can be received, or a date that takes place in the living room or other room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax.

He came to her house for their parlor date. They had planned on enjoying conversation and lemonade.

by MJ Sargent January 4, 2008

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a social engagement between two straight men.

sometimes this may interpreted as a date between two gus who love eachother which is more of a "gay man-date"

Joe: Hey Steve are wives are out, wanna go on a man-date?

Steve: dude what the hell! im not gay!

by sk8r_chick March 13, 2009

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blind date

somthing i wouldnt suggest you go on.- most turn out to be incredibly ugly , boring or plain losers.. But there are a few that turn out to be gems once in awhile or at least dateable. Id say about 3 out of 50 are the odds of you finding someone whos compatible with you on a blind date. Its best if your friends set you up with this person rather than just calling up some line or other service and going on a blind date. The friends at least know what you like and most likely who you would like, as far as type. Sometimes youll get a whacko sometimes youll get a good match, But the odds of the good match are very low. Maybe 1 in 50-100 and 2 that are dateable not to bad. The rest are whack jobs. So try to meet peeps in public or work , somewhere you dont need to go on a blind date.

Once went on a blind date ,was a disaster, a mistake, dont go anywhere with peeps you dont know , it dosent matter if your friend set you up with them. If you do go watch out. Guess you have to take your risks. - then again you can find a rare gem or someone dateable this way and they might be safe or cool.

by bahs February 26, 2005

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commando date

When a guy tricks a girl into going on a date with him. Lies are obviously involved to get the girl there usually a group outing then when the girl shows up it's just one guy alone.

I went to the farwell John told me about he was the only one there it was a commando date.

by chiaroscuro girl April 8, 2010

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Dating green

The eco-friendly practice of recycling, or re-dating, former boyfriends/girlfriends, regardless of whether or not it is a terrible idea.

Jane: "Omg, can you believe that Sarah got back together with that jackass, Matt?!"
Melissa: "I know, right!? At least she's thinking of the environment and dating green, though..ha."

by C. Giles October 7, 2009

Organic dating

When you want to deal with real and natural people.

I prefer a more meaningful, organic dating experience.

by Modern Day Gentlewoman August 15, 2018