Placing one's hands behind one's back - wrists crossed - and consuming what is in front of you (food, alcohol)in the tradition of an old county fair eating contest.
"Looks like you're having a little trouble getting that cake into your mouth Susie; why don't you just put down the fork and county-fair-it?
Do unto other others as you would have others do unto you and those you TRULY care about (not those that you SAY you care about).
This shows something more about how fair you wish the world to be; if you are a person who likes violence, crime and hatred in your life, you will show/do those things to others in the hopes that those things will be done to you, but…..if you have someone whom you TRULY care about and they don’t like those things in their life, you are less likely to create a world with violence, crime and hatred.
Of course, the fairness goes both ways, because the one you care about will think about who you are as a person and should act accordingly.
So, you and they have to work/talk out what you decide is fair to both you and those you TRULY care about.
The kicker is deciding the limits of who should you care about; just that one person or include who they care about and those who they care about and etc.
I like fighting but my sister doesn't, so in fairness I try not to fight so much.
Australian slang for fair enough
Bob: hey bro you going to the work breakfast function today?
James: nah man I got the turps last night and I'm crook as a dog now.
Bob: haha ahh fair stick bro
Faire l'idiot au lieu d'aller à l'école. Playing the idiot card instead of being in school.
Arrêtez de faire le Martin-Karl et allez à l'école. Stop doing who knows what and go to class.
Playing the idiot and doing things other than being in school.
Arrêtez de faire le Martin-Karl et allez à l'école. Ne vendez pas de la drogue.. Stop playing the idiot and go to school. Stop selling drugs.