The act of sucking dick like-an-angel and swallowing, leaving no mess.
Met this girl at the club last night who went full-angel, I left there cleaner than before.
to be so stoned that your eyes are barely open
He claimed he wasn't high but everyone could tell he was stoned because he'd gone full Baldwin.
It is when you have to unbutton your shirt passed the publicly acceptable point.
It's so hot , I'm going full jf
When a person is so drunk, they mistake their own reflection in the mirror for another person.
Yeah man, he did it again. Robert was so wasted, he got into a shouting match with his own reflection for an hour. Dude went full parakeet.
To reach an unfathomable state of inebriation.
Fuck man I can't believe I went full Thomson last night!
When you know you have a huge load but your butt cheeks cut it in half and you use a full roll of toilet paper cleaning up.
Man I just took a massive dump, it was a full roller
Someone releasing their inner Russian side to respond coldly.
Wow, did you see the way he responded to that email? He went full russian.