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artificial happiness

to be in a state of happiness through the consumption of drugs, whether it be alcohol, weed, ecstasy, etc. It is called artificial happiness because you rely on a substance to make you happy, thus making it artificial, since it doesn't come naturally.

retail therapy is another form of artificial happiness in which you rely on shopping to cheer you up.

1. Yo, I'm feeling so emo right now, I'm going to pop a pill to be in a state of artificial happiness!!!!

(Ecstasy causes artificial happiness because the chemicals alters the brain to change your mood and make you feel a sudden sense of euphoria.)

2. Dude...weed is the road to artificial happiness!

by cilla so ill March 17, 2007

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the Happy Accidents

One of the sweetest Ska bands to ever walk the Earth. "the Happy Accidents" is spelled exactly as you see it. The "t" is lowercase, the "the" always there, and the music is always rockin'! They've released a "Midget Cd" entitled "Get Out of the Cart".

"Those guys from the Happy Accidents sure know how to make male nudity cool!"

by David "English" Mortimer August 18, 2006

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flap happy

A person that loves having their face stuck up in a girl's meat curtains.

Duder 1: "So how was it with that asian girl last night?"

Duder 2: "Oh dude she had the stretchiest meat curtains I've ever seen. My face was all up in there for like an hour. I was so flap happy."

Duder 1: "You one sick mother, doggy."

by westfalia December 15, 2009

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Mr. Happy

An erect, happy penis belonging to only one man in the whole world. Perfect partner for Mrs. Cosy, in which he fits snuggly and (as the name would suggest) cosily.

Ryan zeelie introduced Mr. Happy to mrs cosy and this great union resulted in great pleasure.

by hippykid July 20, 2011

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adj. (1) a frenzied state in which the smartphone user searches, installs and plays with applications to the point of neglecting work, sleep, family and life in general.

(2) the state of being dazed silly, giddy or incoherent, or engaging in abnormal behavior as a result of going way around the bend with smartphone apps.

nobody saw mark for a month when he got all app-happy with his new phone.

by stuku March 31, 2011

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happy slapping

Something that you'd think was unimaginable.
A 'Past-time' of gangs of complete idiots who go out and randomly hit/assault/rape people while recording it on their mobile phones, then distribute the video to otherpeople with camera phones.
These people are complete fuckwits that need eradicating from the face of the earth. No one should ever do anything like that to another human being. People like this should be shot so the likes of them will not plague the earth again.

(that happened)

My mate was 'Happy Slapped' when we were all in the park once. He was on his way home, and some random chav walked up to him and hit him while his mate taped it. My friend had to have stitches in his gum as the punch ripped the skin apart inside his mouth to the point that he could get his finger all the way up through his cheek...

by Hiuki July 9, 2005

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Slap Happy

when you are extremely tired (like if you stay up 'till 1 or 2 in the morning) and everything makes you laugh

molly says "OMG!!! THERES A ZIT ON MY NOSE!!! AHH IM GUNA DIE!!!" David starts laughing histerically at that statement. David is "Slap Happy"

by CraZy aZN dUDe July 15, 2005

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