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24 hour ops

When a group of individuals on a forum (i.e. Discord, Kiwi farms, 4chan, or any imageboard service) begin to dig up any information on a subject, whether it be a persons name, location, or anything dealing with finding something usiing the internet. Anything they find will be widely archived, documented, and shared with everyone involved, which will most likely be used as a smear campaign, a news break on any e-celeb, or anything that could possibly be used to humiliate a person, or cause any reaction for entertainment.

The He Will Not Divide Us flag takedown of early 2017 is an example of 24 hour ops.

by Dashiefan55 October 19, 2018

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The 5 Hour Rule

If it's been dead for more than five hours, do not put your dick in it

The most important thing to remember about the 5 Hour Rule is to check the body temperature and to also check if there's still a pulse.

by xtreme2252 July 8, 2009

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18 Hour Parking

1. the collective secretion of mismatched chromosomes squeezed into rejected sacks of human skin.

2. white trash.

3. a place in southern Minnesota.

I drove by 18 Hour Parking earlier tonight and it made me feel better about having a STD.

by Fireball Jumper May 30, 2010

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8 Hour Nap

When you go to sleep at night for a full 8 hours, but when you wake up, you feel like you have only had a short nap. Usually when you have to go to sleep by a certain time in order to get up and get ready for school or work. Usually you have a desire to go back to sleep because you are still tired, but do not because you: A. Do not want to get fired from your job or B. Are forced to attend school by the United States government.

Mom: Get up Aaron!
Aaron: 5 more minutes Mom, I've only had an 8 hour nap. I need more sleep.

by generic funny username November 8, 2010

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Four Hour Erection

A side-effect of male-enhancement medicine. Results in extreme discomfort if you are wearing especially tight pants. Not that any one person writing any definitions specifically has done that. Extremely obvious no matter what clothes you're wearing. Can be spotted from long distances.

Sexually inept man: Damn, I've had this erection for four hours!
Me: You shouldn't have taken Viagra. Your pants look like a tent at a circus.
SIM: Man, I hate four hour erections

by M.C.lobsterbush July 15, 2009

Ugly nigga hours

The time of day ur feeling ugly

β€˜Man ugly nigga hours Finna start for me’

by T-Yabz March 1, 2019

homeless rush hour

The point of day in a city, when one notices a significant increase in the number of homeless people out and about.

Key signs are:
1. Seeing more homeless people
2. Beings accosted for change
3. The area around downtown begins to smell worse

It smells like homeless rush hour in this city.

by lefthandedbears March 8, 2011