small dick, stupid, nobody likes him, only makes jokes about sex, thinks he’s cool, such a pussy, never gets any girls and when he does they are ugly
who thats pussy?
oh thats jayden
such a bitch he actually fucks everyone over. he's popular but he can't handle love, he's rude, selfish, a bad friend, and an especially bad boyfriend. fuck you jayden
friend: jayden just made me cry
me: well that's how jaydens are
If you meet someone named Jayden, they will be one of the nicest and kindest people you will ever meet. He/She will always have your back and won't let you down when you need them the most. Although they are nice and caring, they can be sometimes annoying. If you ever meet a Jayden never lose them. And he is the most handsome and amazing guy that will always be your friend ❤ 💜 💙 and you are so lucky to be in his presence and your are blessed to know him.
Jayden is awesome
the UGLIEST, FAGGOTIEST, STINKIEST name that you could come up with just bc you hate or didn't plan your child. no cause who tf actually thinks that is a good name. atp just name your kid a fucking slur because you obviously want them to get spat on or beaten the shit out of so you don't have to do it at home without wasting your energy.
this name just REAKS with FUCKING ICK. so if you want to call someone the nastiest name in the book, call them a jayden.
(only applies to nasty icky boys bc we love our female jaydens <3)
cherish: omg did you hear about that new kid that just pulled up. i heard they molests little kids in the lower grades..
iseul: omg that's disgusting! i bet their name is jayden!
*jayden walks up to iseul and cherish*
jayden: h-hi guys.. i'm jayden..
cherish: ew, get tf away! your breath smells like a fucking public bathroom stall..
iseul: i literally just saw flies come out of his mouth. *gag*
Jayden is the best person you will ever meet in your lifetime. He is incredibly attractive and handsome and charming and incredibly sexy. Jaydens always tend to get all the girls he wants and has thousands of girls on him all the time because hes just so tall and attractive and he is a real one.
He probably has a friend named Ryan or some generic name like it that is short and lame.
Girl 1: Omg is that Jayden hes so tall and handsome and hot and attractive i have a huge crush on him!
Girl 2: Omg same! Wait is that Ryan eww hes so lame and uncool and short.
Girl 1: Omg i know right!