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Nice in every way possible

Omgg here is Juan the perfect boy

by Rachelle_ittttttt November 22, 2021


Juan is the most handsome man you’ll ever met.He might seem cold but once you know him he is a real gentleman and a loyal friend

Am so lucky I have bf named juan

by Rachelle_ittttttt November 22, 2021


Juan can be a sarcastic little bitch but can sometimes be funny. He also gets angry easily


by BiggestYoinker November 21, 2019


Juan is a name giving to the eldest son. Usually most Juan’s are fat asf and play soccer. If you ever see a juan get away from him because they intend to rape you. In some cases some may say the worst athletes are named Juan

“Omg it’s a fagget ass nigga name Juan, quick run away

by The 3rd poet February 20, 2020


Has a whale cock! Fucking hot. He has MASSIVE BALLS! His cock is like a dragon. Sexy Beast.

Oh shit it’s Juan, the guy who has a whale cock and MASSIVE BALLS

by Whale cock and massive balls November 22, 2021


Pretty sus kid, shitty ass jungler and half bird. If you get distracted, he will probably flirt with your girl. Name stands for being hardstuck in LoL. More than 1k games and still gold. If you ever meet one, better to not to be his friend. He has shitty luck and he spreads it. He’s probably sucking dick rn.

Improve your macro game or you will become a Juan.

by HalfBirdBoy November 22, 2021


A Juan is hard to come by, but when you find one, be careful. He is extremely hot and has a great dick. He is bisexual but tries to convince everyone including the guy he has a crush on that he is straight. He will love you until he doesn’t need you anymore, even if you give everything to him.

Person 1: Oh, look it’s Juan!
Person 2: You have to stop being in love with Juan! He’ll break your heart!
Person 3: I heard he’s fucking Joseph.

by AvonleaB April 17, 2023