Military slang for getting bent over or fucked in the work place. usually by an officer or over eager senior NCO.
"ok people, i know were supposed to head home from the desert tomorrow, but if we do another 2 months we can all get a short tour ribbon and i dont have one yet!"
from the crowd "Lean position ho!!!!!!!!!"
Expecting and relying on others to know your reputation.
The new CEO did not bother to build repoire with the top executives or staff. Leaning on his lore, he instantly expected their admiration.
Squirrel lean is a yellow color of Lean that comes from squirrels in a process called trapping
Dat Squirrel lean do be fire tho
Sticking your dick in a woman's pants/short pocket and ejaculating inside it
K lean is slang for the drug kratom. Kratom powder is mixed with any drink to create an affect similar SOMEWHAT to lean.
Yo I'm spinning off the k lean right now!
When a woman leans slightly to the left or right due her Vagina and or Anus being in discomfort due to a night of violent sex making
Also Caused by sleeping with a man possessing a large penis
"Look at Jill"
"Yeah, Shes doing the Ladies Lean"
"Tom must be tearing that up"
"Yeah or hes really packing"
Leaning tower of Pisa and Luxor in Vegas. Same thing