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Long Valley

Long Valley or the "Big LV" is a small town located in northwest New Jersey in Morris County. LV is full of rich snobs who all drive mercedes, cadillacs, bmw's, and range rovers. If your from LV you probably are rich and live in a multi-million dollar mansion. LV is near other wealthy towns such as Chester, and Mendham. Don't confuse LV with being being by Hackettstown because that is where Mexicans rome wild by Taco Bell and Burger King. Hell no! It is right next to it but its a whole other county. If you are from Long Valley you party hard, even at 3rd grade batman themed parties. LV kids are mostly abercrombie model looking or stoned and can't remember what they did last night. You can go to their high school West Morris Central in Chester and find drug stands where you can buy cheap coke. You might just get lost in a sea of expensive cars your parents bought you for your easter present. Even the little tikes could pass as 20 year old prostitutes. All residents think they are the shit and act gangsta from the ghetto, but seriously, don't you dare confuse one with a hackettstowner. "Hackettstown is the only town in NJ where you will find kids in ecko and shady clothing huddled around a rita's italian ice place claiming it to be their turf." Long Valley is the same except they prefer their Quizno's because they will beat you up if they see you going there. You probably have something better to do like go to Dunkin' Donuts down in the "valley" or some house party at you rich friend's house, because your a OG and are the shit.

Long Valley kid: Hey, yo, whaddup dawgy dog can I get my some weed?
Hackettstowner: Your from "THE BIG LV" aren't you?

by LAboof34 June 29, 2007

31πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Too long

at once; with no delay;immediately

"(...) Three weeks of non-stopt rain!... I'd better find shelter before too long... It doesnΒ΄t look like i'll make it to the outpost tonight..."(Cerebus 5, by Dave Sim)

by Rita Maria Felix da Silva December 21, 2008

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Long islanders

People who often attend upstate schools yet brag about how great long island is and how much it sucks at the school/city they are attending. Daddy buys them everything and anything.

Signs of someone from LI:
Girls wear head bands, cut off sweat pants, uggs or flip flops, sweatshirts, and rarely shower. UNLESS they are going out... then it can be 10 degrees and they have barely any clothes on.
Guys = assholes.
Most likely in a fraternity or sorority.

by UB student April 5, 2005

69πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

long island

A hopeless little island. People are always depressed and in a rush. In most areas, and in most cases, it's the fucking boonies. The education system here is horrible, and a little one-bedroom apartment is through the fucking roof.

Long Island is a miserable little hell-hole that is roughly an hour or so away from the greatest city in the world. Definitely one of the worst places to live in the world, considering that you're only an hour away from the greatest city in the world.

Long Island sucks. EXAMPLE(S): Little Johnny goes to school miserable, and then comes home with alcoholic and needle injecting parents that nag about the lawn. People fighting with thick accents about the quickest way to get to Subway, and ugly 40-year old girls who think they're cute for hitting on a 22 year old.

by Currency Counter January 15, 2012

17πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Long Cats

Another word for a ferret.

Ho: Yo I heard my pimp got himself some Long Cats.
Other Ho: Oh yeah I heard that too!
Ho: Yeah I heard the homie is callin' him a long cat but he really a ferret!
Other Ho: Oooooo GURL YOU RATCHET!

by Long Cat June 6, 2015

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

long cakes

A exclamation/response to something that takes an exceptionally large amount of effort/time. Derives from long/long ting.

'Long cakes!'
'We've got to wait in this tonk queue... long cakes!'

by bugaloo September 27, 2006

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xiao long

Someone who is both a pussyslayer and enjoys cumming on peoples beds for fun so they have to sleep on the floor. A xiao long is typically found masturbating to my little pony whilst clutching his collection of my little pony plushies. He is also an asshole who excels at making others want to commit suicide due to his offensive remarks.

Shut the fuck up ken or i'm going to chuck a xiao long all over your bed.

by brycethelittlegayfaggot February 21, 2016

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