Source Code

Make it sticky

When one masturbates with more enthusiasm and frequency due to a temporary change in circumstances, ex. parents on vacation or an absent roommate.

Peter's gone to Milwaukee for the weekend, so I'm going to make it sticky.

by Prennisaur February 15, 2011

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Making Love

A term that simply means that the person using it was either raised or still lives in their mother's womb.

I don't wanna use the term "making love" in a sentence, it's really wet and cringy as is.

by I'd rather not associate mysel May 14, 2022

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Make Soup


When your significant other is at work and you're "SICK" at home you can asking someone to come over and "MAKE YOU SOUP" meaning, I want to cheat on my partner while theyre at work.

"Wahhh im sick and Joey's at work. Someone come over and MAKE SOUP for me "

by BRING ME SOUP June 15, 2012

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Make it Hail

When one "baller on a budget" throws loose change, mostly dimes and coins of higher value, on sluts (I.E. Strippers, Adult Film Stars, Hookers, or Generally Slutty Women) This idea was on Daniel Tosh's "Happy Thoughts" Television stand up Show.

Man #1: hey before we go to the strip club can i go to coinstar?
Man #2 why do you need to do that you can make it hail

Man#1 Just throw change on sluts

by tosh's bitch March 12, 2011

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Make a Sandwich

About the most sexually degrading thing that can be done to a man. After the man has ejaculated (either before or during intercourse or other sex play), his partner goes to the kitchen, puts meat, cheese and condiments on two pieces of bread. The partner then brings the "sandwich" back to the man and forces him to eat it. Embellishments like serving the "sandwich" on a plate, cutting it into halves, or trimming the crusts off the bread only heighten the humiliation.

"Oh, you think that sex was dirty, I'm going to go make a sandwich you little worm. Then you're going to eat it."

Man #1: Oh shit, you know that crazy hottie last night at the bar. She's a fucking sexual animal. I got her home and she just went nuts. Tore off all my clothes, licking and sucking everything. We were in the hallway, the living room, at some point she was half upside down hanging off the balcony. There was a plunger and spinning lights. It felt like an alien abduction. I mean, damn, she was insatiable.

Man #2: Whoa. Nice. You gonna go get some more of that? Wait, alien abduction?

Man #1: ... um well. She, um... made me a sandwich.

Man #2: Damn. You're just a little bitch now aren't you?

by wonkybutt June 17, 2007

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making popcorn

The act of using butter as a lubricant during anal sex. The resultant smell of the aforementioned act being somewhat like that of real popcorn...

Hay baby, it's back door night and I feel like making popcorn so grab a handful of butter and lube me up...

by CodePoet May 7, 2008

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make shapes

To make shapes; to get something done; also used when instructing another to execute a task which they have been saying they will complete it for some time now; to deal with a problem in an efficient manner.

Tenses: make shapes, making shapes, made shapes.

Your mother said she would make mississippi mud cakes a week ago, they still have not surfaced, to her you say: "Hey Mum, you better make shapes with those mud cakes round about now hey?"

Your boss has not yet show signs of giving you a Christmas bonus, it is December 24th, and to him you say: "Hey you there sir, you better be making shapes with that Christmas bonus ye hear"

A young hooligan teenager stops you in the street and suggests you "beat it old lady/ man", this youngster does not realise you are concealing a weapon of some size. In administering the correct behaviour to the teenager you have "made shapes with his punkass".

by Olivia Anderson August 23, 2006

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