A phrase originating from Kenya to mean 'enlighten me, make me understand'
Does a gun shoot both ways, like you cock a gun and it can either shoot back or forward? Someone comb me here. I know nothing concerning guns.
The slang word for saying "Love me"
Him: "Loaf me" Her: "i already Love you"
Asking for a piece of someone's food
"Hey. That cookie looks yummy!"
"Yeah u want some?"
"Slice me!"
Adverb: 1. when something embarrassing, or a diss happens to you, this is the response you would say.
(no one sits with you on the bus)
"no one sitting with me, oh my god BURN TO ME!"
-To reply jokingly to a threat, or problem as if your being asked for money.
-Stalling for a few more days when being asked for owed wealth.
Johnathan- So buddy, where's my $10 bucks from last week?
Andy- Invoice me, you know I'm good for it.
The true meaning behind the popular term, it's not you, it's me.
I told her, it's not me, it's you, because that was the truth.
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