Coke nails on a big gurl
Look at baby girls blimp nails, dang gurl
A phrase popularized by Eminem in his 2003 diss-track dedicated to ending Ray Benzino's career, it means to seal one's demise.
The first recorded use of this phrase was in 1792, when Pindar, also known as John Wolcot, stated “Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt.”
Guy 1: Did you hear about Ray Benzino?
Guy 2: Literally who?
Guy 3: I've heard about him. He was this old guy peak Eminem absolutely assassinated in his hit diss-track "Nail in the Coffin" and another diss-track "The Sauce"
that irritating little shit skin that hangs off your finger below your fingernail.
I hope thats what this is.
"what's this shit?"
"it's hang nail. pull it."
you've just got out of school and you are ready to pump up the summer vibe ie: fortnight, you're ready to rock n roll and claw the platypus's nail and shove it up the ass. Really hyped about something.
Teacher: Alright kids, have fun in your summer
Kid to friend: I'm ready to claw the platypus's nail and shove it up the ass.
Nailing something in life so hard, that you "Hammer Nailed" it. To do something so well, Jesus Christ comes down from the heavens golf clapping.
Jason's hammer nailed his joke about how Salmon waiting days to respond to the group chat, only to act like nothing ever happened.
Nailely is a name that belongs to the most beautiful women in the world. she a smart, brave,self respecting women and she needs no one..... but if she takes a interest in u, just know that your in for the most craziest ride of you're life.
i think i just found my future wife. who? Nailely.
When one fingers an extra zesty pastrami chalupa and neglects to wash the cheesy residue from under their finger nail. What you are left with is called the cooter nail.
I'll meet you at church, I have to go home and clean up. I ran out on that butter-face I was with last night so fast it left me with a cooter nail or two.