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Bum Tongue

A large, meaty column of flesh that punches out from the sphincter of an Ostrich in order to expel fecal matter.

Holy crap! Look at that Ostriches huge bum tongue!!

by Pail Plovers April 14, 2011

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bummed in the gob

A ridiculous phrase combining anal sex with a none anal orifice.

Popularity increasing after a competition on www.rllmukforum.com - a computer gaming forum - where a prize would be given to anyone using the phrase audibly on television. Google it, you can see it used on Youtube for it's first ever televisual viewing.

The man using it knew what he was doing and was not simply trying to stoke the fear around Manhunt at the time as some believe.

"Manhunt is a very violent game - it's a game that features people getting bludgeoned to death, people getting bummed in the gob, people getting garrotted..." - Mr Robert, host of Consolevania

by Rupert Pick September 25, 2012

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Harry Bum

Name given to a person who has an extraordinarily hairy ass

Harry....Harry Bum!

by Big Leg January 17, 2010

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bum grease

The disgusting film of dirt or grease that bums leave behind after sleeping on train seats

Don't sit there, that dirty hobo left behind some bum grease!

by BbStarD June 18, 2011

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Bum Yogurt

Bum Yogurt or less commonly used Bum 'Yoghurt' is an Urban phrase which has been used by Gamers across the world to explain the effects of game play which has a true effect on their constitution.

The origins of 'Bum Yogurt' are unsure although its common use between Gamers suggest that it was created by this community from the affects of Horror games. The nature of the game and increased levels of gore and violence have scared the player so much that its has given them 'Bum Yogurt'

A phrase used where the gamer has been so scared that they may have proceeded to defecate themselves through fear. This act of creating 'Bum Yogurt' is testimony to the affect of these games and the modern graphics available today.

Alternatively Bum Yogurt has cropped up as also being a health yogurt drink invented in Sweden and produced by Twinitus Technologies Inc.

That horror game was immense, it gave me instant bum yogurt.

by Ian Heywood April 3, 2008

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craigslist bum

Someone who does nothing but browse craigslist all day.

Since Anna got done with her semester she has become a craigslist bum, she just sits and browses the free stuff on craigslist all day.

by gregthekeg January 5, 2009

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Spicy Bum

The dump you take the day after you eat alot of spicy food. Characterized by a burning sensation in the rectum. These poos are especially stinky.

Are you sure you want to add chili peppers? Your going to get bad spicy bum tomorrow!

by t-rah October 23, 2008

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