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the ice move

a special "dancing" move, which garuntees you to get your ass kicked by pro moshers.

Idiot: "Hey everyone, I'm breaking out the ice move!"

Pro Mosher: "My foot is going in your ass buddy"

by miss_sixty February 19, 2005

cupcake move

When you do something asinine to hit on or impress a person of the opposite sex.

Guy 1: Hey, there's two cupcakes here but I can only eat one. *Winks at girl*

Girl: Yeah, I already have a cupcake. *holds cupcake in her hand*

Guy 2 (thinks): That is SUCH a cupcake move. *Slaps forehead*

by Cupcake Move Master April 30, 2010

Leg Move

A mission a boy go on to have sex with a female he leads on but doesn't want any relationship with he just wants to get his penis wet

"Bro I'm about to go on this leg move"

by Kayy2icy August 12, 2018

YouTube moves

Gameplay by someone who has seemingly poured hours of their life into watching walkthrough videos and hints on YouTube. Frequently used to describe someone who knows how to take advantage of glitches and pull off combinations while eating Doritos.

Tom: Ha I killed you in 10 seconds
Henry: Man, you've got YouTube moves.

by Hendo24 March 24, 2014

Brand Moves

Your personal brand is your overall image and what the community thinks about you. Every move you make in life has some sort of impact on your brand. Think of it as a stock, it can increase or decrease or stay consistent. Your friends you hang out with most are called your executives. They help make decisions that impact your brand. Keep in mind, every CEO makes decisions about their company without the knowledge of executives or the community. These decisions are known as under the table deals. These do not impact the brand originally, but if they get out they can be terrible for the brand and tank the stock.

Did you make any brand moves this weekend?

Yeah, smashed a 2 hoping to keep it under the table but she told everybody and the brand tanked.

by Bigshmoneydawg May 16, 2021

skally move

when a girl goes around with different guys, and when she is with a man goes and be's with his friends or other mans around.

"Look at dat skally move right thur!"
"I see how it is, i leave and u go with another man, skally move right thurr i see i see!"

by leandra ( L ) November 4, 2007

the demon move

A sexual position where the women is so powerful she sucks the souls out of the man’s body. He will feel satisfaction in depths that’s he’s talking about it for days and immediately remembers why he loves her so much.

Last night I put the demon move on Shane and watched his souls leave his body.

by Demon wife January 13, 2023