A term I heard as a kid. I'm thinking it may be a southern term. Meaning "step" mother
The children asked other momma if they could have a snack.
When old folks in a long-term marriage are so attuned to each others needs and so productive of flatus that they’re able to finish each other’s farts. Literally.
Not to be confused with:
> Fart Finish - When you determine the winner of a race using a puff of colored gas instead of a photograph
> Fart Finnish - The Scandinavian practice of keeping a fishbone in your anus so that farts come out silently
Looking in the Time Machine, what did I see?Tommy and Tammy, sitting in a tree. First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then they’re struggling to get up the stairs in their old house, hand-in-hand, finishing each other’s farts.
Having one's head up their ass.
He is not that stupid, he is just the other side of the pin!
YoU nEeD tO cArE mOrE aBoUt ThEm!!!
Other people "YoU nEeD tO cArE mOrE aBoUt OtHeR pEoPlE!!!"
Hym "But... YOU'RE 'other people'... You... You want me to care... more about YOU?" 🤨
Other people 😐 "Yes. And do what we want you to do."
Hym 🤨 "You...You see how... Ok. So, to YOU, I'M 'other people.' "
Other people 😐 "And?"
Hym "Sooo... Why don't you try caring more about ME (as other people) and doing what I want YOU to do?"
Other people 🤬 "You're a selfish narcissist!! You need to care more about us!!!"
Hym "So... Jesus Christ 😩+🤦+🤏 So, I start caring about you and doing what you want. At what point do you begin to care about me and start doing what I want?"
Other people 😐
Hym "Is that not a thing that happens?"
Other people "Not everything needs to be about you." 😐
Hym "Will anything EVER be about me?"
Other people 😐
Hym "............... Just going to fuckin stand there and look at me, huh? When do 'other people' start to care about me?"
Other people 😐
Hym "Yeah, ok... Alright... Um... Yeah, I don't know what to say here... I... I don't see what I have to gain from caring about you."
Other people"You're egocentric."
Hym 🤦 "That's... That's not a response to the thing I said... Ok. I don't see this going anywhere. No. I'm not doing that."
Pieces of shit and ingrates.
Hym "Look at me, thinking about other peoples. I can't wait for some of them to die."
You can’t recover from this insult, it will absolutely end your career and your life’ll be ruined
Eugene: ur family tree LGBT
Chad: ur brother sexually identifies as other
Eugene: *loses his job and commits suicide a day later*
A guy who is known as the "Real Other User" is someone who is familiar or similar to Otheruser325.
"Real Other User just reached Hall of Masters in BTDB2 because of his ungodly offmeta strats."