PI is short for the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands is the old name of the Republic of the Philippines. The Philippines was formerly known as Las Islas Filipinas, named after King Felipe II of Spain, when it was a colony of Spain from 1565 to 1898. Then it was Anglicized and it became known as the Philippine Islands when it became a U.S. territory shortly after the Spanish-American War of 1898. In 1946, upon independence from the U.S., it became a republic. The name of the country was then changed to the Republic of the Philippines.
Yo, I’m going back to the PI next year.
A hypothetical Covid variant of interest discovered in India. This variant may be more transmissible then Delta and more resistant to vaccines but further evidence is needed.
I hope Pi doesn’t become Dominant
a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159 ect.
Teacher- Can someone tell me what is pi?
Student- It's the amount of diameters in a circle to fill its circumference.
Due to being an irrational number, Person π is irrational, everyone that doesn't have a regular number in them is either irrational or not irrational at all
Person i: I'm back to destroy the average Urban Dictionary user's brain to make them make definitions of words composed of things about sex!
Person Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028...
Person i: They have already done that themselves apparently...
Person e: 2.718281828459045…
Person ɸ: They can't, they're too dumb
The Polish political right wing party which was founded in 2001 (and currently as of writing, rule the country), stands for 'Prawo i Sprawiedliwość', translating to 'Law and Justice', commonly hated throughout most of the country, and for pretty good reason. A common way to express anger against them is the phrase "Jebać PiS", which roughly translates to "fuck PiS".
Paweł: Hey what do you think of PiS, I think the-
Alicja: Kurwa, jebać PiS!
Paweł: Jebać PiS!
The danish word for "piss" or "pee" it is used to describe anger and regret
Man 1: "Jeg sked i bukserne/ I pooped my pants"
Man 2: "Pis"