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a non derogatory word, usually what you call your homie or friend black people don't usually get offended by this, usually just sensitive white girls. not to be confused with the derogatory word nigger

Person 1: Wassup my nigga
Person 2: yo wassup homie
Random white girl: thats raicst!!!!!111111

by SmudgerTheGenerator October 12, 2020

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A person of dark skin who's father has left typically by the age of five

"Ay yo, what's up my nigga,"
"Yo the fuck you call me"

by Johan Saravia October 19, 2019

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A word that only black people should say but is pretty much thrown around bye all races

White Kid: Whats up my nigga Black Kid: Calls over gang *gunshots*

by Sooo hows your day goin November 2, 2018

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A different spelling of the word Nigger. It is used by black people to referrer to there friends as homie. However it is still racist when said by a white guy.

Tobey: Hey do you want to go play football?

Kendall: Yeah sure my nigga

by Riot_9000 December 21, 2020

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Tunnel that bitch raw Cullen is a stupid bitch and lives at 2147 baas RD.

This cock whore likes men but he's a dumb nigga

by NigNog headass cock whore June 13, 2017

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Nigga is your momma in a basket! Nigga is your momma in a grocery bag! Nigga is your sister being pregnant for the 5th time when she's only 16! Nigga is you! Nigga is me! Nigga is all of us!

"Nigga you better step away!"

by BlaackBaby April 16, 2019

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Something a white person can never say

BD: Bro did Chay say nigga?

CD: Yeah let's go jump him!

by Bu Cyrus March 13, 2020

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