When a guy taps his erected penis on a woman’s forehead. Often as a pre-lim to a blow-job.
I pope tapped that bitch and then she blew me.
When a woman in reverse cowgirl punches a man in the nuts as he ejaculates.
I polo tapped Rick so hard last night that he's still sore.
Slapping your girlfriend between her eyes with your penis.
After she blew him, he gave her an affectionate brow tap.
An intriguing way to suck major dick at something
"I play Xbox but I simply just tapped gravy every time"
1. To engage in sexual intercourse with a hairy and/or Canadian girl (usually to gratify a kink or fetish) and Slay that poon
2. To literally prod a fucking moose. Like, seriously. Why would you do that? All it's trying to do is eat some grass or whatever the fuck moose do these days. Also, what is the plural of 'moose'? Is it 'moose' or 'mooses'?... 'miise'?
(example 1)
A: "I'm gonna tap the moose tonight!"
B: "Yes get in there m8!"
(example 2)
A: "Come on, ladies! Let's get our mooses tapped, eh!?"
B: "Don't you mean 'moose tapped'?"
C: "I'm pretty sure it's 'miise', eh..."
(at the zoo)
A: "Look at all the wildlife!"
B: "Daddy, can I tap the moose?"
A: "Why would you do that?"
B: "Because it's the most beautiful of all the mooses in the world!"
A: "It's 'miise', and no, that would be your mother."
As in a weed circle, tapping in refers to joining the circle and partaking in the consumption of THC
“Hey man, come hang out, come tap in”
I was critically injured so I asked my enemy for a mercy tap.