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double fisted

anytime both (or two of three) flags are removed by a defender from the ball carrier's belt in a game of flag football resulting in a down or dead ball

Phil took the hand off and ran it to the 20 yard line where he was double fisted for a first down.

by wadeword November 8, 2008

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Fist Trap

Fist trap is a slang word for cunt fanny pussy etc etc

Man that chicks fist trap smells

by Michael September 4, 2004

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Double Fisting

1. The sexual act of inserting one fist i to a woman's vagina and the other into her anus, simultaneously.

2. A colloquialism in jest of a previously described sexual act, i.e. holding and drinking an alcoholic beverage in each hand, simultaneously.

1. Last night this drunk whore let me double fist her until she squirted

2. Check out Robbo double fisting his ass across the bar!

by krisso_69 June 30, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

fist fight

1. something that has gotten way less common in schools due to the increased amount of distaste people have for physical violence
2. The process in which 2 people fight each other (only fists) in order to gain popularity, a personal item they have, defend oneself, or to release testosterone
3. What causes a bunch of people to start filming and yell "Worldstar"

person 1: Dude, why u gotta hit out of my juul dude (pushes person 2)
person 2: I needed a hit nibba, u know that my juul ran out a few days ago
person 1: IDGAF, I don't want u using my juul (pushes person 2)
person 2: (throws punch)
(fist fight breaks out)

by Dubiks April 13, 2019

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A Fisting of lesbians

When a snatch of lesbians becomes a regular formal meeting it turns into a Fisting due to it's more serious nature.

I went to the convention centre the other night and accidentally walked into a fisting of lesbians, man it was tense.

We are delighted to welcome to this week's fisting a couple of new lesbian snatches, please make them feel comfortable.

by Terroroy November 3, 2013

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monkey fisted

Act of being shafted, ripped off, screwed over.

I got $10 for a days work, I've been monkey fisted.

by Phil Archer September 8, 2007

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Gentle Fisting

The art of using the Hyuga Clan's Gentle Fist to stimulate your own or a partner's sexual organs.

Naruto: "I'm going to do some gentle fisting with Hinata-Chan tonight, Believe It!"
Hinata: O///o "N-Naruto-Kun..."

by Indigo Lucifer December 11, 2016

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