Confey lads are the maddest cunts in Ireland they are the number 1 gang in Ireland they have shanks by their dicks and they give themselves circumcisions and they fucked up the Lucan lads yup Confey don’t fuck w em gang shit
Confey lads are a different breed
The most interesting group of 11 guys you’ll ever meet. Out of that 11, 1 is always hœørny and at least 2 are simps, 1 cry baby, 1 short one(with even shorter shlong) 1 good boy and 1 bad boy, the gamer, the sweet 1, 1 missionary, and to retards that are lowkey kinda funny when bullying the short gym rat, and gym rat. Oh yea at least 8 are weeeeeebs and gym rat watches hentai🤮(no judgement bro)🤮
Girl 1: I’m bored let’s go hang with that group of boys “the lads”
Girl 2: why not we got nothing better to do and the most interesting stuff happens when around these weeeeeebs
The lads are a group of overconfident but intellectually deficient young men. Their hobbies include; cheering, getting drunk, wanking in lessons, getting head from youngers & being cheated on. The lads will evolve to one day become the geezers, who will give their wives black eyes if the steak pie is over cooked.
Person 1: That guy just failed the exam but ran out cheering
Person 2: Don’t worry, he’s one of the lads
A group of young vibing men who are supporters of Dylan and will help execute anyone who Dylan hates
A congregation of showy white males being rowdy, wearing tight chinos and those ugly basketball tank tops while chugging back a lame brand of 'craft' beer. Happens on a daily basis all over NZ.
The Lads decided it was a great time to take a group selfie of their greatness whilst doing gangster signs.
Nobody worships rugby more than The Lads.
The lads aka Nich Barron sam horrocks and the leader and alpha Niall mcgowen
they are a group of swaggy ppl and the admin is velowadomy there so cool cooler then ur mom too sorry and we love to text
Swaggy group?
Dm velowadomy to be added to the lads