Source Code

Last day of school

Be extra nice to your friends and see if they notice it’s the last days of school

You: the end of the school year has comeπŸ˜‹
Friends: I’m so exited

You: (being extra nice)
Friends: why are you being so kind?
You: sorry I can’t tell you look at urban dictionary to find out. Also it is the last day of school

by Crush things appropriate πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡ May 24, 2021

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Last Breath Syndrome

Used often to describe fan games adding more (and often very unnecessary) phases to an otherwise finished boss fight. Derived from the Undertale fan game, "Last Breath", in which its sub-community makes absurd amounts of fan made phases that exaggerate sans' durability and endurance to the point that it is a joke.

"Dude lets make vs tricky phases 5 and 6."
"Ever heard of Last Breath Syndrome?"
"Search it up."

by NeroWasHere July 18, 2021

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last name= [last name =]

Used on myspace usually in their quote, to tell potential friends what their last name is listed as, as to better allow them to send a friend request(as sometimes the settings require a last name). not always real last name, and usually not

last name= last name = means what is already previously stated above

by OhxPrettyxLove July 17, 2008

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Last Call Pussy

When you're at the bar, and it's almost closing time, when all the good looking chicks have already been picked up...all that's left is the "Last Call Pussy".

These are the worst of the dirty, shameless, been rode hard and put away wet, over 40 bar skanks, that hang around the local dive at closing time...hoping to be picked up by a clean cut but inebriated, beer goggles wearing, suburban white boy.

"Dude, even if we totally strike out at the club, we can always roll over to Gator's Bar & Grill before 2:00 AM, and pick up some last call pussy"

by allthegoodnamesweretaken July 10, 2007

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last bachelor brief

A lengthly call done before getting married. All writers clap when clicking OK and CANCEL, while publishing the file.

Sriram is doing his last bachelor brief today.

by BI (Bachelor of Ites) November 7, 2003

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last morning rush

when you're in a hurry and need to go to work as fast as you can, but you suddenly start to panic you've lost your phone or didn't switched off the iron

-Why are you so late, i wonder?
- I had a last morning rush because i couldn't find my phone

by ashotashotchocolate February 26, 2014

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The Last Demon Dance

Some bs that tik tok made up abt high profile gang members doing a dance when they get caught all because some dimwit decided to buss out a move after a high speed chase. The guy in the viral
video that everyone claims was doing β€œThe Last Demon Dance,” wasn’t even a gang member he was just a fucking weirdo.

You see that guy do the last demon dance?

Yeah that’s pretty fucking gay

by 707glasstable June 5, 2023

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