Source Code

Mexican Brown

Heroin from Mexico

"I hope Charlie didnt OD on that sketchy Mexican Brown"

by Tedjenkinns October 14, 2008

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dead mexican

An alcoholic beverage served to annoying drunks in Northern Texas. It consists of 1 shot of "McCormick Vodka", 1 shot of "Azteca Tequila", 1 cup of warm milk and topped off with a spoonful of pimento cheese and a slice of jalepeno pepper.

DAVE: "Man, your buddy Zack must really be fucked up. That's the second time tonight I've seen him with a "Dead Mexican".

by David A. Lee November 27, 2006

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mexican tobbagin

when performing doggy style on a girl at the top of the staircase, the man takes he girls arms and wraps them around his legs and rides the woman down the stairs.......hence a "mexican tobbagin"

i was bangin my girlfriend one night and gave her the mexican tobbagin...... and broke her nose on the way down the steps!

by mark roland May 24, 2006

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mexican entrepreneur

When a man buys a pickup truck & a couple lawn mowers & piles all his amigos & lawnmowers into the truck to start a lawn cutting business.
Derived from the millions of ratty pickup trucks packed with mexicans & lawn mowers.

That mexican entrepreneur almost ran me off the road with his truck packed full of mexicans & lawn mowers.

by g55h445ty August 26, 2008

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Mexican Shitoff

When you're trying to take a dump at work, and someone is in the stall next to you trying to shit too. Neither of you wants to be the one to stank up the bathroom so you sit there squeezing your buttcheeks together.

Mary Sue and I were in a Mexican Shitoff in the bathroom.

by OhForF*cksSake March 27, 2015

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Mexican Bullseye

The sexual act of dousing the anus of a person with tabasco sauce and proceeding to toss that person's salad.

Yo man, last night my girlfriend gave me the best mexican bullseye ever.

by poopchute11 January 17, 2011

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Mexican Bait

Any item such as an old chair, table, desk ect from your basement that you dont want anymore and are too lazy to take to the salvation army so you place the item in broad daylight at the end of your driveway for some Mexican landscaper or salvager to take. In a few hours low and behold your shits gone because some mexican took it. this is a quick and easy way to get ride of shit that you don't want before garbage day.

Guy 1: "hey man you want this desk from my basement?"
Guy 2: "no thanks dude that thing looks ancient as fuck and has a huge hole on the side of it"
Guy 1: "fuck your right, ugh but trash night isnt until wednesday and its monday"
Guy 2: "i have an idea. Wait, See those mexican landscapers with their truck?, i bet if you leave it outside they might take it."
Guy 1: "alright lets try it."

30 min later

Guy 1: "haha it fucking worked, my old shit is fucking bait, ill call it Mexican Bait.

by foodchain June 9, 2011

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