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fo check

to fcking pwn the shit out of something or someone.

omf'ing g you got fo checked!!!!!!!!!!11111

by jeff greiner March 23, 2005

12👍 5👎

Evan check

Constantly looking for a friend who is lagging behind. Derived from a Summer 2004 Eurotrip in which our group was always looking to see if our friend Evan had lagged behind.

Dudes, time for an Evan check.

by Captain Correcto June 10, 2004

11👍 5👎

fact checking

Telling lies in order to prove you don't love Putin.

After some intense fact checking, it was determined that Russia ate the fact check site's homework.

by Objective-Reason Daddy March 14, 2022

13👍 7👎

Temp check

When you try to see how far you can get with someone before things get heated. Testing someone’s gangsta.

KJ: How did you get that black eye?
Bryce: I was temp checking old boy because he was acting tough. Turns out he wasn’t acting.

by iamanthonydean May 17, 2020

13👍 6👎

Temp Check

“Temperature Check” or “Temp Check” is a term used for testing the toleration points of another individual. Typically used to check others self worth or sexual promiscuity without being deemed agreesive. “Placing bait and waiting to see if they bite”

“Girl, he asked me for nudes and just got my number. Clearly that was a Temp Check!”

“Bro, She tried to Temp Check me by asked me to pay for her food but told me she only likes me as a friend, girl wtf”

by The Urban Athena June 28, 2019

11👍 6👎

Fact check

Something nobody on Urban Dictionary thinks to do before posting a definition.

"London's definitely the richest city in the world."

In fact, Tokyo, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles all had a higher gross domestic product than London, according to 2008 statistics. A simple fact check could have informed you of this fallacy.

by AmysMan February 7, 2012

48👍 37👎

Stimulus checks

A way for the government to walk away from the fight with their citizens.

Stimulus checks, gifts, gadgets, and other items are intended for the government to get to walk away from the fight withv
their citizens. As long as everybody is following their orders, the chains are invisible and there is no fight evident.

by Solid Mantis February 8, 2021

12👍 6👎