A corrupt police officer. Etymology: pol-ICE off-ICE-r + mack.
Don't ever mess with a double ice mack.
to spit game at a shorty, and make moves.
I was macking on this fine Swedish girl I met at a party last night, so much so that I ended up taking her home.
When the penis and vagina meet continuously over and over, in a fast motion.
“Tommy’s parents are macking all night”, “hey, wanna mack later?” “Let’s Mackey!”
having sex or flirting with another person
JJ - Are you macking Sarah Cameron?!
John B - No, I'm not macking Sarah
yo my bro , i just macked that ting last night .
rahh babes i got a free yard are you on macking ,
kissing like french kissing
person 1: ally and jaidin were macking
person 2: NAHHHHH